Generating publicity is one thing. Generating results is something else entirely. We specialize in developing public relations campaigns that deftly manage perceptions, generate interest and gain credibility for our clients. Our team focuses on media relations while also employing the power of grassroots and viral campaigns, along with various other strategies, to generate awareness, build and support brands, and motivate audiences to action.
Our mission is to deliver the right message through the right medium to the right audience. We provide a complete battery of media relations tools including press releases, pitch letters, articles, fact sheets, FAQs and expert source sheets.
We partner with our clients through every step of media relations, including honing contact lists, crafting key messages, preparing for interviews and determining the communication tools that make sense.
We also understand how nerve-racking it can be to do a live interview or speak with a reporter, which is why we offer our clients valuable media training. Our comprehensive training is tailored for the situation but often includes coaching clients on how to speak with the media, nail down key messages and identify how to respond to sensitive questions.